Monday 23 September 2013

A Millitant Group Claims Responsibility For Twin Suicide Bombings At All Saints Church

A Millitant Group Claims Responsibility For Twin Suicide Bombings At All Saints Church

According to the Associated Press, Ahmad Marwat , who branded himself as the spokesman of the wing of the Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the twin suicide bombings outside the Church.

"All non-Muslims in Pakistan are our target , and they will remain our goal as long as America fails to stop drone strikes in our country," Marwat told AFP by telephone.

" We carried out suicide bombings in PeshawarChurch and we will continue to strike foreigners and non-Muslims until stop drone attacks ," he warned.The spokesman for the militant group said: "They are the enemies of Islam , then we target them. We will continue our attacks against non-Muslims on Pakistani soil . "

Previously, the group has claimed responsibility for attacks on minority Shiites in the south -western Balochistan. Earlier this year in June , the group also claimed responsibility for the killing of 10 foreign climbers in base camp of Nanga Parbat , the second highest mountain in Pakistan after K -2.

According to official records , there were 17 incidents of drone attacks have been reviewed this year, killing 122 and injuring 20 .

Until that time, an agreement was approved earlier this month by the main political parties have given their consent to the government to hold talks with militants , but he did not show the way to any cuts in attacks . The anti- terrorist analysts believe , " peace initiative is destined to fail because the aggressive fundamentalist ravaging Pakistan Pakistani government and reject the Constitution as un-Islamic .

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said in a statement, " terrorists have no religion and target innocent is contrary to the teachings of Islam and all religions. Cruel acts of terrorism reflect the brutality and inhumane mentality of terrorists. "

While talking to reporters outside the hospital, the Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf chief Imran Khan said that the attack was a deliberate plot to undermine peace talks . "Is not it strange that whenever peace talks continue, these attacks take place , and I want to emphasize that there was also a drone strike today," he said . For a long time , Imran Khan was to blame the drone campaign as the derivation of the current turmoil of Pakistan.

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